Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Grace like a river

I just wanted to take a minute and post the link to this interview with ABC by Steven Curtis Chapman, as far as I know this is the first interview he and his wife have done since their tragedy occurred. Here is the link

It is so wonderful, that even with the terrible nature of what happened, they are able to talk about peace and seeing her again. God bless them all.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

How's the fishing?

Have you ever wondered how much we are like Jesus' disciples? They all deserted him before his crucifixion, and denied him and hid. After he was crucified, and after he rose again, and they saw that death couldn't hold him...they went fishing. Jesus stood on the shore and told them to cast their nets on the right side of the boat. They heard his voice and moved their nets, and received a huge haul of fish. Then they recognized him. It is the Lord said John(John 21:7) I wonder how many times Jesus asks me to move my net to the other side. How many times does he call to me and I am too tied up doing my own things.
It seems odd to us that they went fishing after all the miracles, and the resurection of Jesus, but it is what they did. On Monday we get up and go to work, we lead our daily normal lives. Do we serve a risen saviour, do we focus on him with every breath? Do we pray without ceasing? I fall short so often, but then, once again along comes Romans 8:38- Nothing can seperate us from his love. Amen and Amen